A lot of times I see businesses try to run from or disguise what makes them weak.
Why do we do this? I think it has a lot to do with business wanting to look “professional”. If you are a professional you can do anything, no job too small or big for Professional Man (or Woman). And maybe if we cloak ourselves in professionalism we become a little less vulnerable.
The downside of being professional is that you aren’t allowing yourself to be human. And Idon’t know about you but I would rather deal with a human than with a business any day of the week. I am friends with people not corporations.
So the next time you are thinking “We are too big, or toosmall, or too niche or too broad, or….. too full of monkeys”. Try to embrace your weakness and garnerstrength from it.
You have a one-person shop. That means you can offer personal attention and your customers always deal with the owner.
You are too niche, that’s called specialization and customers will kill for that. They know if they go to you they can get exactly what they need.
You only have one shop. So you are local you can get in your car and visit your customers. You do website design in Rock Hill SC and not for people in Indian. What’s the problem with that?
You are too big, you can do anything for anybody. It seems to be working for Wal-Mart.
You have too many monkeys……you can open a zoo. Kids love zoos. Hell I love zoos.
The important thing to do is not to shy away from your weakness because in the age of Al Gore’s internet you can’t hide for long. The chinks in companies armor used to be a lot less evident, but now one unsatisfied customer can open huge can of worms….orarmor…stupid mixed metaphor. And you will spend so much time and effort trying to hide something you aren’t you can’t focus on being good at what you can do.
Be a people. People love people.
Need help being a more people like person? Contact us at 366 Marketing for a FREE Marketing Consultation.
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