This was in response to a person I know who was skilled in traditionalMarketing, but was trying to get into Twitter. Their concern was thatthey were reticent to just “follow” people. and they wanted some advice on howto start.
Bear in mind this isn’t really on how to build your followers there areenough of the GET 50, 000 FOLLOWERS IN 5 DAYS post and I think that qualitybeats quantity everyday of the week.
So without any further characters, here is my response. Oh I addedsome links just in case you were curious about any of the below mentioned,dear reader.
Hey S.!
Yeah it has been a while. I just happened to see you and thought itwould be nice to reconnect.
I am a big fan of Twitter and it can be used in so many different ways.I was kind of confused when I got on Twitter, too.
What I used to find people who I thought would add value for me was Mr. Tweet.. It givesrecommendations of whom you might want to follow. However to follow Mr. Tweetit does take a while to get back to you and give you recommendations.
I also use Twitterlocalto find people in the area. That might be helpful for you since I would imagineyou are more concerned about people tweeting in this area.
Twitter is more a free-for-all than, in regard to “friends” than LinkedIn or even Facebook. Feel free to go to my twitteraccount and see whom I am following. You don’t have to be friend IRL to followpeople, in fact I probably only know 4 out the over 300 people I am following.
Also (sorry this is so long) find people who’s blogs you like ie Chris Brogan and follow them.
Anyway let me know how it goes and follow me and I will follow back
Hints: People like real names vs company names, more likely to follow. People like real names with real pics, vs logos. Make a customized background,whenever you get a chance.
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