Being found by potential customers is one of the most important elements in having a great general contractor website. After all, no new leads means no new jobs. The best strategy to be found is through content marketing. Content marketing is a great way to get the search engines to notice you and rank your results (web pages, blogs, whatever) higher.
Ever wonder why when you search construction firms, some companies appear before others? Is it the vagaries of chance? Or is it something else?
Well, good news!! It is not chance that causes you to appear lower than your competitors; it is something that you can actively control. It only takes hard work and some strategy.
But hey, nothing worth having is easy, right?The reason that some results come before others is because of how the search engines work. They want to give people the most appropriate results, so the SE’s employ algorithms to make sure they give people what they want. The search engines want recent, relevant and popular content. (I tend to use Google for most exam
ples, sorry Bing).
Here is a guide to three ways you can use content to make sure that you show up first.
Recent: To have a better rank the more you publish, the better. Google loves new pages to index. Your construction site needs to add new content for a variety of reasons.
It allows you to be found by potential prospects for more search terms. So if someone searches for construction companies in Charlotte NC, you are there. But also having more content means that you get to frame the message and talk about your unique sales position.
Relevant: Make sure the content that you are putting out about your construction company is relevant. Make sure that it adds value to your prospects.
So what makes valuable content?
- Something your customers can use
- Something that helps them in their day to day
- Something that helps them solve a problem
Popular: Now that you have created all of this great content, make sure that you share it on social media so that people can show you that they care about it. Google wants to make sure that the content that it values is content that actual humans value. One of the best ways they can rate it is if people show they like it through social media.
So be sure to share it and ask your employees and friends to, as well.
We hope this helps get you started on improving your construction or general contractor website. If you need help, get our guide to build a great foundation for your website.