People try to make Small Business Marketing difficult sometimes. You can really get in there and focus on the minutia of data and get lost in a mountain of results. Sometimes we just need to take a step back and think about little things that we can do to help market our business. Like your signature in for email marketing
Think about it your email signature is on every electronic correspondence you send. And instead of being a static line giving your name and phone, why not make it a portal to your business and a way of capturing fans and leads?
How so? For example:
Travis A. Baker
Chief Idea Guy
366 Marketing
Now this is fine, it has a couple of ways to get in touch with me, my title and phone. Serviceable but it can be so much more powerful with the use of some strategically placed hyperlinks.
Travis A. Baker
Chief Idea Guy
366 Marketing
How about hyperlinking my name to my facebook or Twitter page so people can get to know a little bit more about me?
Let’s say you went with the facebook link, add your twitter handle in the signature with another link.
How about having the 366 marketing link to the website?
How about a RSS feed for my blog?
Or a link to my email database to be added to newsletters?
So instead the above you have
Travis A. Baker
Chief Idea Guy
366 Marketing
How much easier have you made it for your prospect or clients to find you or find out more about you?
Need help with your small business marketing in the Charlotte area? Drop us a line, or email or connect on facebook or twitter. (See my signature, above for the links)
Oh by the way I am torn about what to do with my title? Should I have a landing page explaining what a chief idea guy is? A link to my philosophy as CIG or what? Any comments would be great!