What’s the second most visited page after your homepage? Take a guess.
Give up?
Your About page. Wow, cool! People must be really interested in you, right?
Nope. Nobody cares.
Really. Despite all of the clicks on your about page.
I think the problem is the name. People care about what you can do for them, not about your company.
And I know that’s hard to hear, because your company is so awesome!
And don’t get me wrong your product is cool, but people don’t buy because your product looks awesome or is a neat toy, they buy it because it solves their problems.
Most companies squander the opportunity to tell how your company can solve a problem. Instead they tell people about how Uncle Jethro founded this company in 19-dixety-six. He traded the onion tied to his belt for a rack or whatever the story is…..
So here is a better plan.
First step: Figure out your customer’s problem. You can be as narrow about this or as broad as you want. Is the problem throughput or do they need to decrease the cost per order shipped?
What is your customer’s pain? Now make that your introduction on your about page. This is what grabs your prospect and get them to read further.
Ok, second step: How do you solve their problem?
What can you do for them? That’s what you need to demonstrate on your about page. It’s “about” how you can solve their problem.
A great way to do that is take what you did for customer X and demonstrate a way that will solve something for prospect Y.
You can do that from a short excerpt of a case study, a video or whatever. The key is to make it relatable to other companies that face the same issue.
Perhaps, a testimonial from another customer about what you did for them and concrete results. When you talk about your product or solution talk it about it from a benefit side. Don’t name what your product does, name the problems that it solves.
Final Step: A way to get in contact with you. Heck, there are lots of ways to get in contact with you. Your phone number, a button for your your email, a contact page, a button linking to your Linkedin.
Want some more info about how to step up your marketing? Download our Actionable Marketing Tactics E-book.